February 17, 2016

Illinois Working Together Coalition Statement: Governor Doubles Down On His Failed Priorities

"Governor Rauner’s cuts and refusal to compromise are hurting the people of Illinois and causing long-term damage to our state.

“Today the governor doubled down on his failed priorities. As he has for a year, the governor demanded that legislators make changes that hurt all working people—driving down wages, making it harder for injured workers to get the help they need, weakening workers’ rights to negotiate together—and threatened even more harmful cuts to health care, higher education, help for seniors, children and the most vulnerable if he doesn’t get his way.

“Meanwhile, the governor again failed to ask millionaires, billionaires and big corporations to pay their share. Bruce Rauner’s agenda is clear: take from middle class working people in order to reward the rich and powerful.”



Illinois Working Together is a coalition defending all working families from anti-worker attacks. Illinois Working Together believes that Governor Rauner's wrong priorities seek to harm hardworking families and communities throughout Illinois while protecting the wealthiest. The coalition's goal is to stand up and fight back against the governor's political attacks and threats – and protect the vital services all Illinoisans rely on. It is time to get Illinois working together.

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