May 03, 2021

Retirees: Vote for John Tilden in the SERS trustee election

An annuitant seat on the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) Board of Trustees is at stake in a mail-ballot election during the month of May.

All State of Illinois retirees are eligible to vote to reelect Annuitant Trustee candidate John Tilden, a proven advocate. In his first term of office, he worked diligently to make sure that the pension system is responsive to the concerns of retirees and remains healthy into the future.

John Tilden is an experienced SERS trustee with some 50 years of public service. He served the state of Illinois for nearly 40 years as a counselor and psychologist. Since retiring, Tilden helped form an AFSCME sub-chapter in Lake and McHenry Counties because he knows the importance of retirees having an active voice in the decisions that impact them.

“It has been a privilege to serve state employees and retirees for the past five years on the SERS Board of Trustees. I am running for this position again because AFSCME needs active voting membership on the Board to ensure our pensions remains healthy long into the future.”

"The SERS Board makes important decisions—we need a vigorous advocate for retirees on the board to protect the retirement we fought for," said Chapter 31 President Larry Brown. "That’s why AFSCME Retirees Chapter 31 strongly recommends John Tilden for reelection as SERS Annuitant Trustee."

SERS Retirees: Watch for your ballot in the mail, mark your vote for JOHN TILDEN and return it right away. Ballots must be received by June 1st for your vote to be counted.

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